Daikaffil Chemicals India
Daikaffil Chemicals India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has nominated the following Email ID for the purpose of Clause (f) 1. info@daikaffil.com 2. account@daikaffil.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Todays Writing
Todays Writing Products Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of @ 5% on 12813300 equity shares of Rs 10 each fully paid up for the year ended March 31, 2008, subject to approval of the members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Crazy Infotech
Crazy Infotech Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 27, 2008, inter alia, has discussed & approved the following decision: 1. Acquisition of 100% stake in Animantz Creative Animators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai The Board has decided to acquire 100% stake in the animation and gaming Company viz. Animantz Creative Animators Pvt. Ltd (Animaritz), Chennai for a consideration of Rs 3.8 Crores. The consideration for the acquisition of 100% stake is to be settled partly by the issue of upto 80,00,000 (Eighty Lacs) equity shares of the Company under Preferential Issue basis to the shareholders of Animantz against swap of the equity shares of Animantz held by them and the balance amount will be paid in cash to them. The Preferential Issue price will be not be less than the price determined under the provisions contained in clause of SEBI DIP Guidelines. The shares to be issued under Preferential Issue shall be locked in for a period of one year from the date of allotment as per the SEBI Guidelines for Preferential Allotment contained in Chapter XIII of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000. 2. Issue of shares to promoters, associates and High Networth Individuals: The Board has decided to defer this item and consider the same at an appropriate time in future. 3. Next Board Meeting: The Board will meet on September 06, 2008 to finalise the notice for calling an Extraordinary General Meeting for obtaining approval of the members for the proposed issue of shares to the shareholders of Animantz.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Surana Financial Corporation
Surana Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: rajeshv@surana.org.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Volga Air Technics
Volga Air Technics Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: info@volgasolar.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Jindal Worldwide
Jindal Worldwide Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Himmatsingh has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. July 31, 2008 and Mr. Yash Agrawal has resigned from the Directorship of the Company w.e.f. July 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Kunststoffe Industries
Kunststoffe Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the email id for the purpose of registering the complaints by investors is given below: kunststoffe@vsnl.net
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Kulkarni Power Tools
Kulkarni Power Tools Ltd has informed BSE that the following designated E-mail ID for the Grievance redressal division / Compliance Officer: investor.relations@kpt.co.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Maharashtra Seamless
Maharashtra Seamless Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has considered and approved the following: 1. Recommended dividend @ 100% on the equity shares of Rs 5/- each for the financial year ended March 31, 2008. 2. Approved in-principle to implement a Stock Based Incentive Plan in the form of "Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR)" for the Employees of the Company and constituted a Compensation Committee for the said purpose.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
With reference to the earlier announcement dated June 02, 2008 regarding Unified Access Services, Unitech Ltd has informed BSE that the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India ("DOT") has issued a letter to the Company's subsidiary Company for allotment of 4.4 MHz of Spectrum in 1800 MHz GSM band in respect of Madhya Pradesh Service Area. With this, the Company have been allotted initial spectrum in 6 service areas out of total 22 service areas.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Bhagyanagar Wood Plast
Bhagyanagar Wood Plast Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has created E-Mail Id: bwpl9grieve@yahoo.com to enable the investors to register their grievances/complaints.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Woo Yang Electronics (India)
Woo Yang Electronics India Ltd has informed BSE that the e-mail ID of the compliance officer is "vinodkumar@irclindia.com"
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Spanco Telesystems and Solutions
Spanco Telesystems & Solutions Ltd has informed BSE that follwing is the Email ID designated exclusively for grievance redressal division/ compliance officer: cs@spancotele.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Real Strips
Real Strips Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated an e-mail Id "ramcharan@realstrips.com" & "info@realstrips.com" for the purpose of registering complaints by investors & other relevant details for creating investor awareness.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Anik Industries
Anik Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on September 03, 2008, inter alia, to consider the following: 1. Approve the Annual Accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2008. 2. Fix day, time and place of the Annual General Meeting. 3. Recommend Dividend, if any, for the financial year ended March 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Nalwa Sons Investment
Nalwa Sons Investments Ltd has informed BSE that about the audited financial results for the year ended March 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Avon Weighing Systems Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: anita_v@aws.co.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Circuit Systems (India)
Circuit Systems India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 28, 2008, has approved the appointment of Mr. Sombhai H Patel as alternate director to Mr. Maganbhai H Patel, Director of the Company. The appointment is w.e.f. July 28, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Circuit Systems (India)
Circuit Systems India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on July 28, 2008, has approved the resignation of Mr. Anand A Patel from directorship of the Company w.e.f. June 27, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Parekh Aluminex
Parekh Aluminex Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: parekhcs@rocketmail.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Swadeshi Polytex
Swadeshi Polytex Ltd has informed BSE that all the resolution placed in the Annual General Meeting of the Company for the year 2001-2002 held on August 27, 2008, passed by the members of the Company. The agenda were to adoption of the accounts for the year 01-02, reappointment of director retire by rotation and appointment of the auditors of the Company.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Electrosteel Castings
Electrosteel Castings Ltd has informed BSE that the Email ID as mentioned below of compliance officer: jjain@electrosteel.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Elgi Finance
Elgi Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the following E-mail ID of the Grievance redressal division / compliance officer is created exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investors elgifinance@rediffmail.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Pyramid Saimira Theatre
With reference to the news item appearing in a leading financial daily titled "Pyramid Saimira set to buy UK's Reel Cinemas", Pyramid Saimira Theatre Ltd has clarified to BSE that the statement made by the Chairman & Managing Director is a futuristic statement and till date the discussions are in primitive stage. Mr. P S Saminathan, Chairman & Managing Director is authorised to actively consider any proposal for takeover of Theaters and proceed with the discussions before taking final approval from the Board.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Shantivijay Jewels
Shantivijay Jewels Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: investors@shantivijay.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Uniproducts (India)
Uniproducts India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company had filed an Appeal No. 71 of 2008 before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against the Order dated February 25, 2008 of Securities Exchange Board of India in respect to the proposed de-listing of securities of the Company pursuant to the rights issue under the SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003. SAT vide its order dated August 20, 2008 has allowed the appeal of the Company and set aside the order passed by SEBI.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Transpek Industry
Transpek Industry Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: secretarial@transpek.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Dujodwala Paper Chemicals
Dujodwala Paper Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated an email id for Investor Grievance are as under: hrjinvestorgrievance@dpcl.net
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Shikhar Consultants.
Shikhar Consultants Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated the following e-mail ID of the complinace officer exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investors. shikhar@kanoicap.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Ballarpur Industries
Ballarpur Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of 35% on the Equity Shares of the Company (previous year - 30%).
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Daikaffil Chemicals India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has nominated the following Email ID for the purpose of Clause (f) 1. info@daikaffil.com 2. account@daikaffil.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Todays Writing
Todays Writing Products Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has recommended a dividend of @ 5% on 12813300 equity shares of Rs 10 each fully paid up for the year ended March 31, 2008, subject to approval of the members at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Crazy Infotech
Crazy Infotech Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 27, 2008, inter alia, has discussed & approved the following decision: 1. Acquisition of 100% stake in Animantz Creative Animators Pvt. Ltd, Chennai The Board has decided to acquire 100% stake in the animation and gaming Company viz. Animantz Creative Animators Pvt. Ltd (Animaritz), Chennai for a consideration of Rs 3.8 Crores. The consideration for the acquisition of 100% stake is to be settled partly by the issue of upto 80,00,000 (Eighty Lacs) equity shares of the Company under Preferential Issue basis to the shareholders of Animantz against swap of the equity shares of Animantz held by them and the balance amount will be paid in cash to them. The Preferential Issue price will be not be less than the price determined under the provisions contained in clause of SEBI DIP Guidelines. The shares to be issued under Preferential Issue shall be locked in for a period of one year from the date of allotment as per the SEBI Guidelines for Preferential Allotment contained in Chapter XIII of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000. 2. Issue of shares to promoters, associates and High Networth Individuals: The Board has decided to defer this item and consider the same at an appropriate time in future. 3. Next Board Meeting: The Board will meet on September 06, 2008 to finalise the notice for calling an Extraordinary General Meeting for obtaining approval of the members for the proposed issue of shares to the shareholders of Animantz.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Surana Financial Corporation
Surana Corporation Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: rajeshv@surana.org.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Volga Air Technics
Volga Air Technics Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: info@volgasolar.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Jindal Worldwide
Jindal Worldwide Ltd has informed BSE that Mr. Himmatsingh has been appointed as an Additional Director of the Company w.e.f. July 31, 2008 and Mr. Yash Agrawal has resigned from the Directorship of the Company w.e.f. July 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Kunststoffe Industries
Kunststoffe Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the email id for the purpose of registering the complaints by investors is given below: kunststoffe@vsnl.net
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Kulkarni Power Tools
Kulkarni Power Tools Ltd has informed BSE that the following designated E-mail ID for the Grievance redressal division / Compliance Officer: investor.relations@kpt.co.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Maharashtra Seamless
Maharashtra Seamless Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has considered and approved the following: 1. Recommended dividend @ 100% on the equity shares of Rs 5/- each for the financial year ended March 31, 2008. 2. Approved in-principle to implement a Stock Based Incentive Plan in the form of "Stock Appreciation Rights (SAR)" for the Employees of the Company and constituted a Compensation Committee for the said purpose.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
With reference to the earlier announcement dated June 02, 2008 regarding Unified Access Services, Unitech Ltd has informed BSE that the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India ("DOT") has issued a letter to the Company's subsidiary Company for allotment of 4.4 MHz of Spectrum in 1800 MHz GSM band in respect of Madhya Pradesh Service Area. With this, the Company have been allotted initial spectrum in 6 service areas out of total 22 service areas.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Bhagyanagar Wood Plast
Bhagyanagar Wood Plast Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has created E-Mail Id: bwpl9grieve@yahoo.com to enable the investors to register their grievances/complaints.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Woo Yang Electronics (India)
Woo Yang Electronics India Ltd has informed BSE that the e-mail ID of the compliance officer is "vinodkumar@irclindia.com"
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Spanco Telesystems and Solutions
Spanco Telesystems & Solutions Ltd has informed BSE that follwing is the Email ID designated exclusively for grievance redressal division/ compliance officer: cs@spancotele.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Real Strips
Real Strips Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated an e-mail Id "ramcharan@realstrips.com" & "info@realstrips.com" for the purpose of registering complaints by investors & other relevant details for creating investor awareness.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Anik Industries
Anik Industries Ltd has informed BSE that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company will be held on September 03, 2008, inter alia, to consider the following: 1. Approve the Annual Accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2008. 2. Fix day, time and place of the Annual General Meeting. 3. Recommend Dividend, if any, for the financial year ended March 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Nalwa Sons Investment
Nalwa Sons Investments Ltd has informed BSE that about the audited financial results for the year ended March 31, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Avon Weighing Systems Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email id designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: anita_v@aws.co.in
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Circuit Systems (India)
Circuit Systems India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on July 28, 2008, has approved the appointment of Mr. Sombhai H Patel as alternate director to Mr. Maganbhai H Patel, Director of the Company. The appointment is w.e.f. July 28, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Circuit Systems (India)
Circuit Systems India Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held on July 28, 2008, has approved the resignation of Mr. Anand A Patel from directorship of the Company w.e.f. June 27, 2008.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Parekh Aluminex
Parekh Aluminex Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: parekhcs@rocketmail.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Swadeshi Polytex
Swadeshi Polytex Ltd has informed BSE that all the resolution placed in the Annual General Meeting of the Company for the year 2001-2002 held on August 27, 2008, passed by the members of the Company. The agenda were to adoption of the accounts for the year 01-02, reappointment of director retire by rotation and appointment of the auditors of the Company.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Electrosteel Castings
Electrosteel Castings Ltd has informed BSE that the Email ID as mentioned below of compliance officer: jjain@electrosteel.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Elgi Finance
Elgi Finance Ltd has informed BSE that the following E-mail ID of the Grievance redressal division / compliance officer is created exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investors elgifinance@rediffmail.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Pyramid Saimira Theatre
With reference to the news item appearing in a leading financial daily titled "Pyramid Saimira set to buy UK's Reel Cinemas", Pyramid Saimira Theatre Ltd has clarified to BSE that the statement made by the Chairman & Managing Director is a futuristic statement and till date the discussions are in primitive stage. Mr. P S Saminathan, Chairman & Managing Director is authorised to actively consider any proposal for takeover of Theaters and proceed with the discussions before taking final approval from the Board.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Shantivijay Jewels
Shantivijay Jewels Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: investors@shantivijay.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Uniproducts (India)
Uniproducts India Ltd has informed BSE that the Company had filed an Appeal No. 71 of 2008 before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against the Order dated February 25, 2008 of Securities Exchange Board of India in respect to the proposed de-listing of securities of the Company pursuant to the rights issue under the SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003. SAT vide its order dated August 20, 2008 has allowed the appeal of the Company and set aside the order passed by SEBI.
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Transpek Industry
Transpek Industry Ltd has informed BSE that the given below are the details of the email i.d. designated exclusively for grievance redressal division / compliance officer: secretarial@transpek.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Dujodwala Paper Chemicals
Dujodwala Paper Chemicals Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated an email id for Investor Grievance are as under: hrjinvestorgrievance@dpcl.net
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Shikhar Consultants.
Shikhar Consultants Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has designated the following e-mail ID of the complinace officer exclusively for the purpose of registering complaints by investors. shikhar@kanoicap.com
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
Ballarpur Industries
Ballarpur Industries Ltd has informed BSE that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on August 28, 2008, inter alia, has recommended payment of dividend of 35% on the Equity Shares of the Company (previous year - 30%).
Source: BSE Date: 2008-08-28
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